Awareness about cancer radiology is must lets spread it

Kaushal doda
3 min readNov 9, 2020

People have considered cancer as an incurable stigma and fearful disease. And, this perception of the disease is enough to break the person suffering from it, than the disease itself.

People need to understand the fact there are ways to cure cancer, and they vary according to the type of cancer and how much it has spread across your body. In most cases, early detection and treatment help in curing the disease successfully.

To enlighten the significance of cancer awareness, prevention, and early detection throughout society, the ‘National Cancer Awareness Day’ is celebrated every year on November 7.

When Did It Begin?

The government initiated this awareness program in the year 1975, intending to offer better cancer treatment facilities. In 1984–85, the motive shifted to prevention, as well as early detection of cancer.

What This Day Coincides with?

On November 7, when the National Cancer Awareness Day is celebrated, turns out to be the birth anniversary of the esteemed scientist of French-Polish origin, Madam Curie. She is eminent for her discovery of radium & polonium, as well as her major contribution in fighting against cancer.

Her tremendous efforts led to nuclear energy, as well as radiotherapy development that helps in treating cancer.

Similarly, there has been another legend Wilhelm Roentgen, whose remarkable contributions brought out the concept of radiology, which helps in providing safe & effective patient care.

International Day of Radiology (IDoR) — November 8

This day celebrates radiology, which is a technique that contributes to science by comprising medical imaging, as well as full-fledged healthcare solutions. The aim of radiology is to offer quality care to patients.

Radiology took birth through X-ray, which was discovered by a German physicist, Wilhelm Roentgen. Radiology, by offering advanced diagnosis and treatment strategies, turn out to be an effective branch for the treatment of cancer.

IDoR is capable of implementing countless innovations in radiology research, which revolutionized the way modern medicine, and technological facilities were used.

How to Make Best Use of These Two Imperative Days?

November 7 and 8, being the National Cancer Awareness Day and International Day of Radiology, respectively, bring us a great purpose to celebrate health.

The cancer awareness day is all about diagnosing the disease on time according to symptoms and avail early detection of cancer so that the treatment is full of scope and easier. On the other hand, the international day of radiology is all about the advancements in the treatment of severe diseases, including cancer. Due to this therapy, there is a possibility to cure cancer, even in the later stages of the disease.

On cancer awareness day, people are encouraged to pay heed to the symptoms of the disease so that they may undergo early screening procedures, and detect the problem in time, which increases the probability of curing cancer.

On the international day of radiology, the focus remains on the diagnosis and treatment through radiology so that better care can be offered to patients.

So, let’s celebrate these days with positivity and help enliven the cancer-suffering patients again. Let everyone be aware of the disease, its early symptoms, and the techniques involved in its treatment.

Let’s head toward a healthier and better world together!

