How October is a month for women and how should we celebrate it

Kaushal doda
3 min readOct 12, 2020

Only a few know the fact that October is a month for women, and it encourages us all to celebrate womanhood to the fullest. It’s true that womanhood should be celebrated every month due to obvious and countless reasons, but here we’re talking about October specifically, because of the two international days this month comprises.

These are:

  • International Day of Girl’s Child (October 11)
  • International Day of Rural Women (October 15)

The International Day of Girl’s Child

International Day of Girl’s Child is celebrated to let the adolescent girls grow in such a manner that they may become change-makers and convention-breakers. This day delivers a message that a girl shouldn’t be considered as a mere object of the society but a strong boon that strengthens everything around.

The International Day of Girl’s Child, 2020, will focus on the developments associated with girls to live free from any sort of gender-based violence and harmful practices. Also, it emphasizes on making the girls aware of HIV and AIDS, and similar issues. The motto of the day inclines to let the girls learn all new skills for their future, so that they may turn themselves into an independent individual, living freely without anyone’s help.

The International Day of Rural Women

The women who proceed with their lives in urban areas somehow manage to groom themselves in a way that they can survive all alone without getting to need anyone’s support. But the opposite goes with rural women. They don’t get enough resources, funds, and exposure to explore themselves in enormous ways. The International Day of Rural Women focusses on the same fact.

It brings to attention the necessity and usefulness of educating and training rural women in such a manner that they may become independent and help themselves as well as their families. It focusses on letting women learn basic life skills and other skills, such as stitching, farming, and handicrafts, etc. Also, the focus is to give them with basic education to understand the ongoing things properly, which would help them in mobilizing, raising, sensitizing, and encouraging themselves.

There are several organizations that are working with rural women in their community and they are trying to help women achieve their goals. They intend to do everything possible to make sure that the women they work with have a better chance of attaining their educational goals, their economic goals, their health goals, and also their family development goals. And the great of the things is that they are doing all they can in order to make rural women achieve their goals and attain a personality of their own.

This way, the month of October, by celebrating these two incredible days, encourages such organizations and personalities who’re encouraging women and girls and making them vanish their clichéd image for something better, with an aim to make them lead as a generation of activists accelerating social change.

Also, most importantly, these days should be celebrated by letting men acknowledge the importance of women in their lives as well as society. Men should be educated so that they may understand how to respect women, consider them as equal, and know what the real chivalry is.

May women grow and groom more & more, and bring the society to all-new heights!!

