• December 1, 2020

HIV AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is a highly contagious virus, that is transmitted through sexual activity. You may be aware that you have been infected with HIV but not realize exactly how it was contracted. You may not even know that you are infected. HIV AIDS has no cure at the moment. This is why we all must act now before it is too late. If you think you have been infected with HIV AIDS and do not want to get the virus from a source other than a person with this disease, you should begin by visiting one of the many online sources on the Internet.

Image Source: https://www.who.int/westernpacific/news/events/detail/2019/12/01/western-pacific-events/world-aids-day-2019

Basic Information About AIDS

AIDS introduces a life-threatening and chronic condition to the sufferer, which is caused due to HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). This virus, after getting transmitted to a person’s body, begins to attack the immune systems very first. HIV slowly disables the body’s ability to fight the disease-causing organisms. HIV AIDS is counted as STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection), and it can even get transmitted through coming in contact with infected blood during childbirth (from mother to child), or breast-feeding.

No Cure for HIV AIDS

Currently, there’s no cure for HIV. Approx. thirty-seven million people throughout the world have HIV presently. Instead of not having a particular cure for the same, there are some medications which can be rescribed to slow down the progression of the disease. ART (Antiretroviral Therapy) works to prevent the multiplication of HIV in the body. If a person’s body responds well to the medications and the reproduction of HIV gets to stop, it helps the immune cells of the body to live longer and stay away from infections.

World AIDS Day

Image Source: https://www.healthynewbornnetwork.org/event/world-aids-day-2019/

World AIDS Day, commonly known as the World AIDS Awareness Day, is a worldwide day devoted to increasing awareness of the HIV/AIDS pandemic and mourning the lives of those who have lost their lives from the disease. This year does mark the fifth year that this global day has been celebrated. The day was initiated on December 1, 1988.

December 1 is the World AIDS Day that celebrates people of all races and religions from all over the world. There are activities and awareness programs held in more than 80 countries. There is no single cause of AIDS. But, it does seem that a greater number of people are affected by this disease each year.

Life does not come easy for those infected with HIV/AIDS. Many people who have been diagnosed with this disease cannot work or pursue education or do day-to-day tasks. And they need to support one another. It is also very important that they continue to educate themselves and share their knowledge about AIDS. This is important so that they can help one another cope with the situation. There is no way for them to become free from AIDS until they themselves are free from the mental barrier it brings.

That’s why, on this World AIDS Day, we should spread the awareness of the disease, its transmission, and cure to let the world know about it better. Let’s stop the spread by educating more and more people about it through the social channels or any other means that suit us.

